Reaching shopping cart abandoners – strategies for winning back potential customers: ecommerce hack #12

REACHING SHOPPING CART ABANDONERS – STRATEGIES FOR WINNING BACK POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS Shopping cart abandonment – customers adding products to their shopping cart but not completing the purchase –

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Expert strategies for up- and cross-selling: ecommerce hack #11

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, upselling and cross-selling are essential strategies that help operators maximize the value of each customer visit. By cleverly offering complementary or higher-value

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Social Proof and customer references in e-commerce: ecommerce hack #10

SOCIAL PROOF IN E-COMMERCE AND CUSTOMER REFERENCES: INCREASING TRUST AND CONVERSIONSThe importance of social proof for e-commercePositive reviews play a central role in e-commerce and related marketing by

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Custom landing pages to quickly optimize the customer experience: ecommerce hack #09

LANDING PAGES IN E-COMMERCE: INCREASING THE CONVERSION RATE THROUGH TARGETED PAGESLanding pages play a central role in e-commerce that you should not miss out on. They support your

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Checkout optimization – How to minimize abandoned purchases and increase your conversion rate: e-commerce hack #08

CHECKOUT OPTIMIZATION: HOW TO INCREASE YOUR CONVERSION RATE AND MINIMIZE ABANDONED PURCHASESIn the competitive world of online stores, every percentage point of conversion rate is hard-won. Abandoned purchases

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Bundle products dynamically: ecommerce hack #07

DYNAMIC PRODUCT BUNDLES: CUSTOMIZED OFFERS FOR MORE SALESDynamic product bundles are an effective strategy for offering customers a customized shopping experience and increasing sales at the same time.

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When will it be free? Working strategically with the shipping cost threshold: ecommerce hack #06

USE THE SHIPPING COST THRESHOLD STRATEGICALLY - WHAT IS THE MINIMUM ORDER VALUE FOR FREE SHIPPING?The shipping threshold is the minimum order value that customers must exceed in

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Digital products in ecommerce as upsells: ecommerce Hack #05

DIGITAL PRODUCTS IN E-COMMERCE AS UPSELLS: A STRATEGY TO INCREASE SALESIn e-commerce, digital products offer an excellent opportunity to boost sales and increase added value for customers. In

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Loyalty Programs: eCommerce Hack #04

Strengthening customer loyalty through loyalty programs in e-commerceAnyone who has a handle on their customer figures knows that retaining existing customers is at least as important as acquiring

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User Generated Content (UGC): eCommerce Hack #03

User Generated Content in E-Commerce: The key to trust interaction and increased salesWhenever trust and authenticity are decisive factors for success in e-commerce, user-generated content (UGC) plays a

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